Training events for nurses / medical staff on the topic of "HIV"
We offer information events in hospitals and outpatient care services especially for nurses, medical specialists and obstetricians.
We give lectures on topics such as HIV transmission routes, protection options and medical treatment options for HIV infection. The social situation of people with HIV occupies a special place.
The focus of the event is on dealing with HIV-positive patients in nursing care. Here we want to encourage people to deal with their own fears and prejudices in order to make care free of discrimination possible. It is also important for us to reflect attitudes towards different gender identities and sexual orientations.
We come to hospitals, outpatient nursing services as well as schools for the sick and the elderly. We are happy to invite smaller groups to our counselling centre. According to our experience, two or three lessons make sense. For each 45-minute lesson we charge a fee of 75 euros + travel costs (as of March 2019).
Corinna Lange (sie)
E-Mail: corinna.lange[at]
Telefon: 0721 / 35 48 16 -11
B.A. Erziehungswissenschaft und Soziale Arbeit
- Präventions-, Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
- Dialog-Workshops für junge Menschen
- Fortbildung für Fachkräfte und Azubis aus der Pflege u.a.
Kevin Wolf (er)
E-Mail: kevin.wolf[at]
Telefon: 0721 / 35 48 16 -15
M.A. Bildungswissenschaft
- Präventions-, Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
- Dialog-Workshops für junge Menschen
- Fortbildung für Fachkräfte und Azubis aus der Pflege u.a.
- Beratung von Sexarbeitern*
- Queer Refugees
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