Self-help groups for people with hiv

Self-help groups for people with hiv
For people who are HIV positive, we offer regular group meetings. The meetings take place once a month under professional supervision.
The topics of the exchange of experiences are the emotional coping with the HIV diagnosis, life in everyday life with the infection, fears and insecurities in dealing with others, the experience of discrimination, HIV therapy and much more.
The conversation evenings take place in a sheltered setting; the confidentiality of the participants is assumed.
aktHivplus e.V.
We are also happy to recommend the meetings organised by aktHivplus e.V., which take place twice a year in Baden-Württemberg.

Petra Axamit (sie)
E-Mail: petra.axamit[at]
Telefon: 0721 / 35 48 16 -21
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