
We need your donation so that we can continue to maintain our diverse range of services and help people with HIV in emergency situations quickly and unbureaucratically:
by bank transfer to our donation account:
AIDS-Hilfe Karlsruhe e.V.
Sparkasse Karlsruhe
IBAN DE73 6605 0101 0009 7710 23
or via our Paypal donation button:
By the way: With the donation button you can also make a donation with your credit card.
Donation receipt
Donations up to € 300
- For donations up to € 300, the provision of § 50 para. 2 no. 2 EStDV (Income Tax Implementing Regulation) allows for a simplification regulation.
It is sufficient to enclose the simplified donation receipt (see below under "Downloads") with your tax return together with a cash deposit slip or a booking confirmation from a bank (e.g. bank statement). This should show the name and account number of the ordering and the receiving person, the amount, the booking date as well as the actual execution of the payment. The purpose of the payment should state "donation" or "membership fee".
Donations over € 300
- For donations over € 300.00, a donation receipt issued by AIDS-Hilfe Karlsruhe in accordance with the officially prescribed form is required as proof, which we will of course continue to issue.
Don't forget to include your name and address so that we can send you the donation receipt!
Non-profit status
AIDS-Hilfe Karlsruhe e.V. is a non-profit and charitable organisation according to §§ 51 ff AO (German tax code) and is recognised by the Karlsruhe City Tax Office as being particularly worthy of support. Therefore, donations and supporting membership fees are tax deductible.
All donations and membership fees are used exclusively for the statutory purposes.

Anja Stegbauer-Bayer (sie)
E-Mail: anja.stegbauer-bayer[at]
Telefon: 0721 / 35 48 16 -13
Sozialwirtin (FH)
- Finanzen
- Fundraising
- Projekte
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