
Become a member of AIDS-Hilfe Karlsruhe e.V. - Centre for Sexual Health.
Every member of AIDS-Hilfe Karlsruhe e.V. is a voice for acceptance and solidarity, against exclusion and discrimination of people affected by HIV. Each member makes us more independent from other donors!
A membership in the association presupposes personal commitment.
As a member you can actively participate in the events of the association.
At the annual general meeting you can contribute with your vote to the AIDS-Hilfe Karlsruhe e.V..
The board decides on the admission of members.
Your annual membership fee of at least 60 Euro is tax deductible.
How to do it:
- download the request
- fill it out
- print it out
- sign it and
- send it to AIDS-Hilfe Karlsruhe e.V., Sophienstraße 102, 76135 Karlsruhe

Anja Stegbauer-Bayer (sie)
E-Mail: anja.stegbauer-bayer[at]
Telefon: 0721 / 35 48 16 -13
Sozialwirtin (FH)
- Finanzen
- Fundraising
- Projekte
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