Checkpoint Karlsruhe | HIV rapid test | HIV test | STI test

Testing only with telephone registration under 0721 / 35 48 16 0
- If you have to cancel an appointment for the Checkpoint at short notice: you can reach us by phone on Tuesday evenings from 5:30 pm on 0721 / 35 48 16 0.
Every Tuesday evening, you can get tested for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STI) at our Checkpoint.
Here you can find all information
In addition: HIV rapid test also by telephone arrangement
If you just want to take a quick HIV test, you can do this not only at our checkpoint, but from now on also during the counselling hours of the counselling centre (times see below).
- Possible only with advance reservation by telephone 0721 / 35 48 16 0.
- Anonymous. Cost: €20.
- People with low incomes (students, people in the asylum procedure, people with the "Karlsruhe Pass") only pay 10 €. Written proof is required.
Further information on the HIV rapid test can be found here
- If you have symptoms / complaints that could indicate a sexually transmitted infection, please consult a medical specialist!
- Tests for chlamydia and gonococci:
- Men* put some urine into a sample cup. Therefore, please do not urinate immediately before the appointment so that there is enough urine!
- Women* carry out a vaginal smear test on themselves. When making an appointment, please make sure that you do not have your period on the day of the test, as menstrual blood can falsify the result!
!!! We are sensitive to trans people !!!

Petra Axamit (sie)
E-Mail: petra.axamit[at]
Telefon: 0721 / 35 48 16 -21
Diplom-Sozialarbeiterin (FH)
- Beratung und Begleitung
- Bundesweite Telefonberatung
- Unterstützung bei sozialrechtlichen Fragen
- Koordination Checkpoint
- Fortbildungsveranstaltungen für Pflegekräfte

Katja Sariyannis (sie)
E-Mail: katja.sariyannis[at]
Telefon: 0721 / 35 48 16 -12
Medizinische Fachangestellte
- Checkpoint
- Bundesweite Telefonberatung
- Assistenz Kunstauktion
- Bürokommunikation
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