Questions of social law
People with HIV who are in a difficult social situation often do not know what their rights are under the law and how to enforce them. Here we are gladly helpful:
In the event of problems with the social welfare office, the employment agency, the health insurance, the pension insurance, the "Versorgungsamt" or the foreigners authority, we advise on the legal requirements.
On request, we can establish contact with the institutions and employees mentioned above and assist you in dealing with the authorities.
Together with the clients, we think about how they can improve their situation on their own and on their own responsibility (Help for self-help).
In material emergencies we offer support in submitting applications to the German AIDS Foundation (under "Links"). We also arrange contacts to charitable organisations.

Petra Axamit (sie)
E-Mail: petra.axamit[at]
Telefon: 0721 / 35 48 16 -21
Diplom-Sozialarbeiterin (FH)
- Beratung und Begleitung
- Bundesweite Telefonberatung
- Unterstützung bei sozialrechtlichen Fragen
- Koordination Checkpoint
- Fortbildungsveranstaltungen für Pflegekräfte
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