Culture-sensitive dialogue workshops for young people
We offer dialogue workshops for refugees and young adults in the context of culturally sensitive HIV and STI prevention. These are aimed, for example, at refugees in shared accommodation, unaccompanied under-age foreigners in residential groups or pupils in preparatory classes in the city and district of Karlsruhe, Baden-Baden and Rastatt. The workshops can be held in the respective institutions or on the premises of ZeSIA. Experience has shown that it makes sense to book two events per group.
The following topics will be covered:
- Body knowledge
- Facts about HIV and STI
- Transmission paths
- HIV and exclusion
- Protection options
- Test possibilities
- The task of ZeSIA - Zentrum für sexuelle Gesundheit, Identität und Aufklärung Karlsruhe
- Much room for questions
If it can be arranged, the dialogue workshops will be supported by a participant our nationwide SALAM project.
As a rule, an event lasts 90 minutes.
Location, costs and exact contents will be clarified in a preliminary telephone conversation.
For questions 0721 / 35 48 16 -0 and Mail

Kevin Wolf (er)
E-Mail: kevin.wolf[at]
Telefon: 0721 / 35 48 16 -15
M.A. Bildungswissenschaft
- Präventions-, Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
- Dialog-Workshops für junge Menschen
- Fortbildung für Fachkräfte und Azubis aus der Pflege u.a.
- Beratung von Sexarbeitern*
- Queer Refugees
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