New: Systemic Counseling at ZeSIA

ZeSIA Karlsruhe is now offering free systemic counseling. Systemic counseling is a solution- and resource-oriented approach that helps to look at problems from a new perspective. The person seeking advice is not viewed in isolation - rather, their social environment, their life story and their values are also taken into account.
From relationships and sexuality to questions about sexual orientation and gender identity, we can help you with various issues and problems through systemic counseling.
You can find more information here.

Katja Sariyannis (sie)
E-Mail: katja.sariyannis[at]
Telefon: 0721 / 35 48 16 -12
Medizinische Fachangestellte
- Checkpoint
- Bundesweite Telefonberatung
- Assistenz Kunstauktion
- Bürokommunikation

Kevin Wolf (er)
E-Mail: kevin.wolf[at]
Telefon: 0721 / 35 48 16 -15
M.A. Bildungswissenschaft
- Präventions-, Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
- Dialog-Workshops für junge Menschen
- Fortbildung für Fachkräfte und Azubis aus der Pflege u.a.
- Beratung von Sexarbeitern*
- Queer Refugees
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