Sex, Drugs & Safety | 4. Mai 2023

Whether coke, speed, ecstasy, poppers, alcohol or cannabis - this evening will be about sex and party drugs in the queer scene. A speaker from the campaign ICH WEISS WAS ICH TU (I KNOW WHAT I DO) of the Deutsche Aidshilfe (German AIDS Aid) will give well-founded information on risk avoidance, application errors and interactions when consuming such substances. There will also be room for questions and for sharing experiences.
Our approach to the topic is open and accepting: we do not demonise drug use, but we also clearly point out the risks. The aim is to promote an informed and self-determined approach to drugs and sex.
Free admission - no registration required
Donnerstag, 4.5.2023
19:30 Uhr
Café Prinz-S
Zähringer Str. 15
76131 Karlsruhe

Kevin Wolf (er)
E-Mail: kevin.wolf[at]
Telefon: 0721 / 35 48 16 -15
M.A. Bildungswissenschaft
- Präventions-, Bildungs- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
- Dialog-Workshops für junge Menschen
- Fortbildung für Fachkräfte und Azubis aus der Pflege u.a.
- Beratung von Sexarbeitern*
- Queer Refugees
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